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Re: DSII questions

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 23:20:28 +0200
Subject: Re: DSII questions

David Reeves wrote:

>>The easy question first:
>>When drawing damage chits for a weapon with "All/2" chit validity, do
>>you round fractions and if so which way?
>we don't round.

That makes it five votes for no rounding and none against :-)
>>Can someone explain the difference between Stealth and ECM to >>me?
Not the effects in game terms, I'm well aware of those, but in the
>>Stealth is described as:
>>"STEALTH covers a wide variety of methods, both physical
>>(radar-absorbing paint, heat-emission masking etc.) and electronic,
>>which render the vehicle more difficult for the enemy to see and
>>'acquire' as a target."
>[according to my father who designed on missle guidance and jamming
>stealth is a passive defense with the properties you describe above.  

That's what it ought to be, though I'm not entirely certain what the
electronics mentioned in the quote above are supposed to do :-/

>ECM is an active system, kind of like white noise, false signals, etc.
>confuse, overload or disrupt a missle's guidance and target aquisition
>system.  even if it doesn't prevent a target hit (in a target-rich
>environ), ECM would encourage the missle to choose a less worthy

The "less worthy candidate" preferrably being an empty patch of dirt,
rock or something else you don't mind having blown up <g>

In extreme cases (EMP pulses, including radar - though ships are better
equipped to do this than tanks <g>) "ECM" systems could even destroy a
missile before it hits, but this could equally well fall into the PDS
category. Indeed, depending on what you mean with a "weapon" the PDS
description "Sophisticated sensor suites linked to fast-reaction
weapons, used for defence against incoming missiles" could include
chaff and flare grenade launchers as well as fragmentation charges,
rockets or cannon.

All the existing jamming systems I know anything about concentrate on
the link between the launch platform and the missile, with some working
against wire-guided missiles but not against beam riders and vice
versa... are there any jammers which work against Javelin (without
fooling the firer)? If there is one, I'd be *very* interested to know
how it works ;-) (...and whoever tells me any accurate data is probably
revealing rather sensitive secrets, too <g>)

>your'e right tho, ECM seems silly to introduce in the game just for
>either have it cover the other logical prospects or abstract it away. 
>favor keeping it as it does differ (in my mind) from stealth. 
however, i
>have really thought of any rules to do this yet.

At the moment ECM differs from Stealth but is very similar to PDS... Ah

Thanks for the input,

Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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