re: DSII questions
From: "David Reeves" <davidar@n...>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2000 08:54:59 -0400
Subject: re: DSII questions
> Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 19:25:56 +0200
> From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <>
> Subject: DSII questions
> Hello,
> The easy question first:
> When drawing damage chits for a weapon with "All/2" chit validity, do
> you round fractions and if so which way? (Personally I'd say "don't
> round at all", but I want other opinions. The authors are welcome to
> chip in as well - hint, Mike! ;-) )
we don't round.
> Then a somewhat harder one:
> I know I said I didn't want to meddle too much with the parts of DSII
> which aren't directly related to the design system, but, well...
> Can someone explain the difference between Stealth and ECM to me?
> Not the effects in game terms, I'm well aware of those, but in the
> Stealth is described as:
> "STEALTH covers a wide variety of methods, both physical
> (radar-absorbing paint, heat-emission masking etc.) and electronic,
> which render the vehicle more difficult for the enemy to see and
> 'acquire' as a target."
> In other words, Stealth is designed to disrupt enemy targetting
> in general. The "electronic" Stealth systems can either be passive (eg
> de-magnetizing systems like those on some of the later ex-Soviet
> or active (ie, ECM) - the description doesn't say.
> ECM is described as:
> "Systems designed to jam the guidance of incoming Missiles."
[according to my father who designed on missle guidance and jamming
stealth is a passive defense with the properties you describe above.
is an active system, kind of like white noise, false signals, etc. to
confuse, overload or disrupt a missle's guidance and target aquisition
system. even if it doesn't prevent a target hit (in a target-rich
environ), ECM would encourage the missle to choose a less worthy
your'e right tho, ECM seems silly to introduce in the game just for GMS.
either have it cover the other logical prospects or abstract it away. i
favor keeping it as it does differ (in my mind) from stealth. however,
have really thought of any rules to do this yet.