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Re: [FT] Floating Table

From: Aron_Clark@d...
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 14:14:57 -0700
Subject: Re: [FT] Floating Table

Roger notes,
> If ships must move off to accomodate a float then the float is not
> made.

Roger, then in your experience . . . Would you say the model that
triggered the "float" has left engagement area (ie out of the game). 
What if
there are models at a center point between those at either extreme?

Roger Books <> on 05/11/2000 02:04:26 PM

Please respond to gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU

To:   gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
cc:    (bcc: Aron Clark/AM/Avid)
Subject:  Re: [FT] Floating Table

On 11-May-00 at 17:04,
wrote: >
> I was wondering if anyone would care to enlighten me as to the
mechanics of
> using a "floating table" in FT.  What I imagine is that when any model
> likely move off the playing surface all ships are shifted x MU from
> concered edge, in a straight line.  What happens in the event that
> shift will take other models off the table edge?  Though I don't
> this is a likely occurance.  Any observations, or clarifications of my
> interpetation would be helpful.

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