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Re: Thoughts on FB3

From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@d...>
Date: Tue, 9 May 2000 16:29:19 +1000
Subject: Re: Thoughts on FB3

From: "Tony Francis" <>

> Sean Bayan Schoonmaker wrote:
> > >* Some Spinal Mount Gun? The Wave Motion Gun might be OK, the Nova
Cannon is
> > >right out! I'd prefer not to have either, but the UN SuperDread
> > >crying
> > >out for one. *shrug*
> >
> > I'd rather not have this in FB3. It was unbalancing before, and I
> > any change. However, if its mechanic were changed to something more
> > quantifiable, it could be properly balanced.


> I'd also like to see a spinal weapon of some sort - the EFSB style
> discussed on the list would be a candidate.

Concur again.

> >
> > >Fleets
> > >* NI - here we have a problem. There are a very nice range of New
> > >ships
> > >offered, but GZG don't make them. Perhaps we should let sleeping
> >
> > ..and very nice ships they are. This wouldn't prevent Brigade from
> > publishing something similar (Tony?)
> It's something that's vaguely crossed my mind, but the not-so-little
matters of
> copyright and intellectual property would need to be sorted out. It
have to
> be something along the lines of an 'Approved For Use With ...'
publication, and I
> have no idea whether or not St^3 Jon would want to get into that area
> Plus, of course, it would be out of date very rapidly given our
to release
> new models. And finally, we don't make NI ships, we make SemFed ones

A Nose by any other name would smell...

I'd like to use em as NIs in any event. Have the current arrangements re
*slightly* changed so that GZG can sell em as well, at a greater price,
the difference as its commission/licence fee? This way, instead of a
our Club
and get the opportunity to pay us money" it's "Join our club for an X%
discount on
the NI range", and GZG gets to make a little from its trademark if
(in)direct. *shrug*
The tricky bit is the SSDs, if they're in FB3 they shouldn't be on the
while it's in print.

But this is a suggestion, and people tend to get very defensive re
Intellectual Property.
And rightly so. I feel uncomfy talking about this, it's your business
mine. So far
everyone has been reasonable, despite there being plenty of scope for
and general messiness. Hence the somnolent canine remark.

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