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Re: RE: Breaking the trend with an FB2 question

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 21:54:16 +0200
Subject: Re: RE: Breaking the trend with an FB2 question

Jeremey Claridge wrote:

>Am I the only one then who thinks this IP weapon ruins fighters and
>their use in FT?

Keep in mind that the Pod Launcher Node is really a Mass 6, ammo-using
system - the Node itself is Mass 3, and it requires 3 Mass of Power
Generators to supply it whenever it wants to fire in addition to the
single Bio-Mass it uses up whenever it fires.

For 7 Mass (1 IP shot), a Human ship could carry 5 PDS + 1 ADFC. They
cost a bit more and are considerably less flexible than the SV systems,
but they inflict on average *more* damage on the fighters than the IP
does - and unlike the IP they are multi-shot. Add one extra PDS for
each extra IP shot the SV player wants.

>Personally if I where playing the Sa'vasku I would bring along ships
that >were just floating IP generators and attach them to my ships.

Many Human fleets already include special-built CEs with 2-3 ADFCs and
8-12 PDSs. What's the difference?

>At least with Scatter guns you know the second wave of fighters might
>have an easier time of it.

The key word here is "might", IMO...

>I'm also someone with 22 fighter groups all painted up and based and
>they are not coming out to play anymore!

You're not going to fight the SV *all* the time, are you? <g>

Kevin Walker asked:

>What's to keep the Phalons from using ships with a load of Pulsars and
>an ADFC in the same manner (they can also fire those Pulsars
>offensively when they're not needed on the defense).

You mean like the Klashh-Huulth (PACKER-E; ADFC + 3 Pulsers), Keraph
(PAGAN; ADFC + 5 Pulsers) or ADFC-equipped Voth variant (PACHYDERM-E; 2
ADFCs + 10 Pulsers)? :-)

...and that doesn't even include their PBLs - be prepared to use a lot
of secondary moves if you attack a Phalon force with fighters <g>


Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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