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Re: [FT] ANOTHER FB Question of St Jon

From: Donald Hosford <Hosford.Donald@A...>
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 01:31:24 -0400
Subject: Re: [FT] ANOTHER FB Question of St Jon

I can see it now...
On board an NAC Furious class:
Captain:  Track and fire on that Foch class!  All weapons that bear!
Sensor Tech:  I can't sir!
Captain:  Can't?  Explain yourself mister!
Sensor Tech:  I can't fire because the entire sensor grid has blinked
Captain:  Zounds!  The FSE must have a new weapon!
Sensor Tech: Mommy!
Sorry...I just couldn't help myself...:-)

Donald Hosford

Ground Zero Games wrote:

> Consider the original FT/MT sensor rules to be kind of suspended
> decisions on what form sensor rules will take in FT3....
> Jon (GZG)

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