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Re: Good books on Special Forces?

From: Allan Goodall <agoodall@i...>
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 00:24:24 -0400
Subject: Re: Good books on Special Forces?

On Thu, 13 Apr 2000 17:45:26 +0200, "Oerjan Ohlson"

>The title says most of it. A collegue of mine is interested in SF ops
>(not just US Special Forces, but any similar organisation), and is
>looking for books covering them in general (ie, not books like "Bravo
>Two Zero" which only cover one operation).
>Any advice?

I don't know if it's still in print, but I really enjoyed "Secret
Armies" by
James Adams. It's subtitled "Inside the American, Soviet and European
Forces". My edition was from a book club and is dated 1987. It covers
Forces use mostly in the post war. I think I'll re-read it sometime
soon. Very
good book and just what your friend is after.

If it's not in print, have your friend check "". This is
a good
site for getting out of print books. Good luck.

Allan Goodall
Goodall's Grotto:

"Surprisingly, when you throw two naked women with sex
toys into a living room full of drunken men, things 
always go bad." - Kyle Baker, "You Are Here"

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