Simple Simon Sensors
From: "Izenberg, Noam" <Noam.Izenberg@j...>
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 14:53:34 -0400
Subject: Simple Simon Sensors
It took a bunch of digging in the archive, but I finally unearthed my
contribution to the sensor/EW discussion. I'd been looking for ways add
richness of the sensor system to FT without a new round of die rolls or
bunch of rule-figuring. My resulting rules are therefore very simple
fit on one page or less - IMO in the sprirt of most of the other FT
It is possibly too simple for many of the other sensor posters so far.
Here's my updated version:
Simple Simon Sensors
A diceless tactical and strategic sensor system for FT
There should be a difference between sensor traces and more detailed
so I like extreme ranges (basic info out to 600-700"). This would get
rough numbers of ships (+/- some percentage if desired) and a guestimate
of total fleet mass (+/- some percentage if desired). (Percentages can
determined by dice, but can besimply rounded to some significant figure
you wish to remain truly diceless)
In combat:
Range bands
1) 0-12:
a) Players must show current SSD's to each other whenever asked.
2) 12-36:
a) Players can see opponents SSD's when those ships fire or are
fired upon.
b) Threshold level of all ships in range is known on demand.
c) A ship may scan one opposing ship for each firecon it has - can
see the current SSD
3) 36-72:
a) Ship at this range reveal mass/silhouette.
b) Crippled/Uncrippled status of all ships in range is known (crippled
ship is on last damage row).
c) A Ship may scan one opposing ship for each 2 Firecons it has.
with one firecon can either scan every other turn or roll a die - 1-3
Long range weapons:
Ships with weapons that can fire to 48" exapand range bands 2 and 3 by
12". Same pattern with longer range weapons.
Enhanced Sensors:
Enhanced sensors increase all bands by 50%. Special sensors double all
ECM/Stealth hulls:
ECM/Stealth reduces all bands by 1/3 to 1/2.
Fighters rely mainly on allied ship sensors, but their own have range
band 1
to 6", rnage band 2 to 12", and no range band 3.