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Re: EW

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 10:30:59 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: EW

On 10-Apr-00 at 10:27, Davis, Jonathan E (CRD) (
> We've touched upon two aspects of FT that can be exploited
> for a full gaming experience.
> For face-to-face FT gaming:  Adding more dice rolls is a bad thing.
> For a GM directed PBeM with limited intelligence rules:  A simple
> and effective method for detection and avoidance can add to the 
> gaming intensity and experience.  (i.e. the fog of war)
> I especially enjoy limited intelligence games and was introduced to 
> double blind Squad Leader almost 20 years ago.
> To be FT-"pure", it would need to be D6 based and without modifiers
> to the dice rolls.  A better probability can obtained by increasing
> the number of dice or reducing the "roll" required.
> Jon

I still think I can make it FT-"pure" without any die rolls...


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