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Re: Phalon and Sa'Vasku encounters on starmaps?

From: Frits Kuijlman <frits@p...>
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 13:08:10 +0200
Subject: Re: Phalon and Sa'Vasku encounters on starmaps?

Nyrath the nearly wise wrote:

> Frits Kuijlman wrote:
> > The starmaps I have seen sofar only show the Kravak, not the Phalon
> > the Sa'Vasku. It would be unfortunate if I have placed my
>	Well, in my maps, I stuck the Kra'vak incursion route
>	where it is according to the references in More Thrust
>	(the two places they show up first).
>	As far as the others, there doesn't seem to be any
>	offical rulings, so it is anybody's guess.
So, is there any specific info on where they have been encountered in
or should we just make something up? Jon? Anybody?

Frits Kuijlman
Delft University of Technology			The Netherlands

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