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Phalon and Sa'Vasku encounters on starmaps?

From: Frits Kuijlman <frits@p...>
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 15:30:48 +0200
Subject: Phalon and Sa'Vasku encounters on starmaps?

I should be reading the new FB2 book, but that won't happen until
Colours in
september. Sigh:-)

I am trying to come up with a new entry for the GZGPedia, and I have
ideas of where to place this new corporation: rimwards of the
Royal Dutch Commonwealth, deep into the unknown.

The starmaps I have seen sofar only show the Kravak, not the Phalon and
the Sa'Vasku. It would be unfortunate if I have placed my corporation
right in the path of one of those two races. However, I don't want to
and adapt to this new info, I'll just have to do some creative writing
to get around this minor problem...
So, would somebody please spill the beans on where these races appear?

P.S. anybody know of a starmap generator for Linux that reads Gliese
I definitively don't want to use Windows:-) Mac software is ok too.
Frits Kuijlman
Delft University of Technology			The Netherlands

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