Re: Palming It Off (was RE: FT computer files page)
From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 09:16:40 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Palming It Off (was RE: FT computer files page)
On 24-Mar-00 at 02:26, Jim 'Jiji' Foster ( wrote:
> At 12:44 AM 3/24/00 -0000, "There are those who call me 'Tim'" wrote:
> >I'm always looking for new or improved applications/tools/graphics
> >or any other sort of play aid's for fullthrust or stuff for ftmap
> >etc.
> While we're on the topic, has anyone toyed with PalmOS applications to
> support the GZGverse? I seem to recall something about a ship designer
> some time back, but wondered if anything else was out there...
Well, I use Viewer III to store SSDs of my ships (made with the Gimp).
I don't see a big market for a ship design program, I can find those
other places. What would be wonderful would be something like Viewer
III that allowed you to mark off boxes. I've considered writing this
myself, but currently I'm writing a Perl module for handling ships
and fleets in FB using GZF, but that won't run on a Palm.