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Re: [ds2] Dirtside powered armor

From: "Andrew Martin" <Al.Bri@x...>
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 22:27:56 +1200
Subject: Re: [ds2] Dirtside powered armor

Brian Bilderback wrote:
> Does this mean that you (and/or other people out there) allow Powered
armor troops to carry support weapons heavier than APSW's and GMS/L's?
seems to make sense to me, since they're wearing suits that are supposed
amplify strength, they should be able to carry class 1 weapons (And
even GMS/H's) as support weapons - they'd still have to set them up and
them the way regular troops do with APSW's and GMSH's, so there should
some way of adjusting the rules for that, maybe involving their ranged
and/or close combat firepower aside from said weapon...

I could imagine a team of two or three guys in PA with a size 1 weapon
even GMS/H (maybe), acting like an non-pa infantry team with APSW or
They could be destroyed like any team of PA.

With this capability, it'll be good to have Superheavy PA (takes 6
points to kill), and Infantry walkers of size 2 as well as size 1.

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169

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