Prev: Re: Falkenburg's Legion, CoDominion, and stats (Long) Next: Re: [OT] Ideologies, was Re: Starship Troopers (was RE: Mission to Mars)

Re: Mission to Mars

From: Nyrath the nearly wise <nyrath@c...>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 19:25:37 -0500
Subject: Re: Mission to Mars

Brian Bilderback wrote:
> My favorite's the old "War of the Worlds." Not because of any artistic
> scientific merit, but because it has a character named "Bilderbeck,"
whis is
> about as close as I'll ever get to my 15 minutes.

	I kind of like ON THE BEACH with Gregory Peck and Ava Gardner,
	in spite of it's soppy anti-nuclear weapon theme.

	It's a movie about a bunch of people who know that they are all
	going to die in four months.  The fun comes when they start
	realizing how basically pointless are all their cherished
	societal norms, rituals, and values.

Prev: Re: Falkenburg's Legion, CoDominion, and stats (Long) Next: Re: [OT] Ideologies, was Re: Starship Troopers (was RE: Mission to Mars)