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Re: OK, what should I paint these blasted things?

From: "Christopher K Smith" <smithck@m...>
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2000 21:20:46 -0600
Subject: Re: OK, what should I paint these blasted things?

> >   I got a whole mess of DSII minis (AFVs and infantry mainly) at
> >  years GenCon, and I'm finally getting around to painting them. 
> >  I'm in need some ideas, I was curious as to how all you Groupos out
> >  there in GZG Mailing List Land paint your DSII forces?

Well, about the only things I have painted up as any kind of coherent
are my Centurion grav tanks.   Most of the Renegade Legion tanks have a
green base coat with lighter green on black camo patterns.  Or at least
I think look like neat camoesque patterns.   The TOG tanks are mostly a
brown or tan basecoat with a brown on black camo pattern.  The infantry
have are Battletech figures.  Half painted green with lighter green
drybushing and the other half brown with lighter brown drybrushing.  I
not nearly nitpicky enough to paint 6mm infantry with any kind of

Christopher K Smith
JR MECH Auburn University

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