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Re: US vs. Canada : GZG ECC IV FT/FB

From: Jerry Han <jhan@c...>
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 17:55:39 -0500
Subject: Re: US vs. Canada : GZG ECC IV FT/FB

Michael Sarno wrote:
> "Thomas.Barclay" wrote:
> > So, who else thinks this Canada/US showdown is viable? Or am I
raving? Or
> > rather, since I am raving, does that matter?
> Tom,
>	  You are raving, but I still this US/Canada showdown is viable.
 I like
> your idea regarding BYOF.  Let's hash out the rules and start
designing the
> fleets.

I'm game, though isn't it a little early to be talking about this?  (8-)

/ Jerry Han -  CANOE Canada - - \
  ** Visit the Canadian Online Explorer! => **
 The opinions expressed are mine, and not necessarily those of CANOE
	     "Now I'm wonderin', where does true love begin?"

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