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RE: GMS vs Infantry

From: "Scott Uecker" <rttakezo@k...>
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 20:32:38 +0900
Subject: RE: GMS vs Infantry

Ladies and Gentlemen,
				I hate to confuse the issue even more;
however, in REAL LIFE guided
missiles (everything from as small as a Milan to as large as the
are EXCEPTIONALLY effective at engaging infantry.  There are well
examples from the invasion of Lebanon in '82(ISDF), Falkland's '82(UK),
Beruit '83(USMC), Grenada '83(USMC), Gulf'91(just about everyone),
Somalia'93(USMC) and probably a heck of alot more that I'm not aware of.
will personally testify for their effectiveness in the last two above.
Granted the overall effectiveness was not as impressive when we shot at
infantry in the open or dug in(still effective, read= deadly), but for
buildings and bunkers it was absolutely AWESOME.  As far as being able
track the infantry with a guided missile, no sweat.  Unless perhaps you
trying to perform a chest shot on a sprinting/dodging horribly
'bad-guy', then it's alittle more of a challenge.

Captain, Uncle Sam's Mis-guided Children

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