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Re: [FMA] [Jon ?] Close combat weapons - two systems ?

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 22:29:04 +0000
Subject: Re: [FMA] [Jon ?] Close combat weapons - two systems ?

>In rereading the FMA material, there seems to be two distinct systems
>close combat weapons.

This is probably a carry-over from the draft being pasted together from
several part-systems written at differing times, and used for different
test versions!
I'm not sure yet which version to use in the final rules.
>In the first, close combat is a single-opposed die roll with the
>and defender each rolling their quality die and possibly doubling or
>quadrupling it.
>In the second (implied from costing), close combat weapons have an
>die value and an impact die value.
>I'm interested in the more detailed second system, but there's a lot of
>detail missing.  Does anyone have this ?

Probably not, because I don't think I've written it yet!!  ;-)

(Don't get me dragged off onto FMA right now, not while I'm getting FB2

Jon (GZG)

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