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RE: SG II: Close Assault

From: "Scott Spieker" <scspieker@n...>
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 10:28:38 -0500
Subject: RE: SG II: Close Assault

    We have struggled with this one a little.  What we had decided, was
the unit being assaulted COULD NOT voluntarily withdrawal, as Brendan
mentioned.  However if that unit failed it's confidence test and had yet
be activated, they were to withdrawal immediately and directly away from
on-coming threat.  The unit was to try and withdrawal to cover at best
possible speed.  That unit would also loose it's activation since they
to busy wetting their pants to think about shooting.
    I don't remember the exact reason for using the unit's activation,
it seemed unfair that if the unit being attacked were to withdrawal but
their activation, that they would probably blast the assaulting unit to
bits.  There are all sorts of variables involved, like if the attacker
into the defender's position after the withdrawal, and the shorter
difference in range would be a much greater benefit to the unit falling
    We have been thinking of using a different house rule of activating
unit being assaulted before contact.  That would allow that unit (which
passed it's conf. test) to fire at the incoming unit or withdrawal or
have you.  This change would certainly make close assaults a daunting
indeed.  The assaulting player would need to make a confidence test at
or two die shift down considering the threat that would be presented by
automatic weapons fire on their sorry butts as they rushed out of


> Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 12:29:20 +1100
> From: "Robertson, Brendan" <>
> Subject: RE: SG II: Close Assault
> Yes, No.
> Although you should make it a rule that they can't voluntarily
withdraw if
> suppressed, otherwise you will NEVER get a unit into close combat.  (a
> problem I have had in the past).
> Neath Southern Skies -
> [mkw] Admiral Peter Rollins; Task Force Zulu

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cleats Balentine []
> Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 1999 1:23 AM
> To: GZG Forum
> Subject: SG II: Close Assault
> On page 41 of the rules, it states that a unit that is
> close assaulted has the option of withdrawing even if
> it passes the confidence check.
> Does this include squads that have already been
> activated on that turn? Does this move count as the
> squads activation for the turn?

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