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RE: GDP/Pop conversion and Ghurkas in 2180s

From: "Glover, Owen" <oglover@m...>
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 20:56:44 +1000
Subject: RE: GDP/Pop conversion and Ghurkas in 2180s

Some BIG Snips below.

Concerning the Ghurkas; it may be worth considering that the Ghurka's as
"Ghurka's" have been so, predominantly due to the tradition of their
with the British Army. I think you may find that though 'posted' to
that all the unit officers are still British. If a percentage go to the
then I would be inclined to suggest that they would be Nepalese troops
rather than the traditional Ghurka as such. The traditions would likely
be appreciated by the new 'masters' and although they may retain a
reputation it would likely change from what we have come to know as

But that's my opinion....

Owen G

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Barclay of the Clan Barclay []
> Subject: GDP/Pop conversion and Ghurkas in 2180s

> Interestingly, for those who follow those things, Ghurkas have worked
> for Britain, India, Brunei, and Singapore. The original discussion
> suggested by some was that they were ESU, yet Jon has them 
> fighting for
> the NAC. The truth I suspect (as I will write it, and thus of 
> course it

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