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Medtch 2180

From: Thomas Barclay of the Clan Barclay <kaladorn@h...>
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 15:12:50 -0500
Subject: Medtch 2180

They're talking about the next 50 years (on CBC this am) holding
*workable* regeneration and disease treatment by some form of genetic
approach both based off the complete mapping of the human genome (which
I imagine the first phase to be done in the next couple or four years,
and the follow on phase to be completed over the next decades). They
said they'd be able to regrow or develop organic organ replacements.
Just think of what this means for your troopie in 2180.

Assume regeneration takes till 2050 to make doable. Then imagine that as
the equivalent of medicine in the 1850's. Then project forward to 2185,
which would be equivalent to the change from 1850 to 1985...

What this probably means is:
1) If a weapon kills you dead, you might not be dead. If enough of you
can be found intact (mostly brain), you can be regrown and rehabbed.
2) If a weapon kills you dead so you can't be brought back, your
memories may be able to be mapped to a clone.
3) If a weapon wounds you badly, stabilization will probably be so good
that you can get to a med facility. If so, you're probably gauranteed a
near full recovery.
4) All of this will be difficult by the 2060s, but potentially workable.
By 2160, it'll be *easy* and old hat.

This makes me wonder about the SG2 rules. Seems to me if I recall, you
have a 1 in six chance of being okay, a 3 in six of being wounded, and a
2 in 6 of being dead. That's okay, I guess. But you should recover (in a
fairly accelerated manner) nearly 100% of the 3 in 6 who were wounded
for campagn purposes. Recovery will not only be complete, but it will be
darn quick I'd think by this point.

Anyway, that's just a projection for those interested in how science
will affect campaign play in our future world.

:) Tom B

"Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun." - Ash, Army of Darkness

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"Ah. I see. Inform me if there is any change in his condition."
<hangs up the phone>
"How is he?"
"He's dead."
-- The movie Top Secret

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