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re: RE: Card Draws and Fleet Admirals

From: "David Reeves" <davidar@n...>
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 1999 09:18:14 -0500
Subject: re: RE: Card Draws and Fleet Admirals

comments inserted below

> Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 10:55:34 -0500
> From: "Bell, Brian K" <>
> Subject: RE: Card Draws and Fleet Admirals
> Interesting ideas.
> Additional comments:
> Limited Use:
> I would suggest providing a limited number of Admiral's Priviledge to
> game. Perhaps give each Admiral a set number of tokens for Admiral's
> Priviledge (sorting through the deck to find a particular ship and
fire it).
> Once the number of tokens is used up, the ships must be fired in the
> drawn. You can also provide for the quality of the Admirals by giving
> better Admiral more Admiral's Priviledge tokens.

we are definitely on the same wavelength here.	we do exactly this.  as
a preview to our other rule writeups, the admiral's limited priviledge
orders are also used for causing rerolls to morale, hit and threshold 
rolls.	the command decision for the admiral is to determine for what
to use the his limited influence and when.  you should see the players
sweat out these decisions, but they are also smiles of enjoyment!!!

and yes, higher quality admirals (and staff) provide more influence,
but they cost more.

> Crew Quality:
> If you have multiple decks or a specialized deck (such as Uno), you
can add
> crew quality to the mix by adding multiple of the same card to the
deck for
> higher quality ships. Green crewed get 1 card, Regular crewed ships
get 2
> cards, and Veteral crewed ships get 3 cards. This increases the
chances of
> drawing a higher quality crew early in the game. When a Regular or
> crewed ship's card is drawn, the player may fire the ship or wait
until the
> card is drawn again. If the player chooses to wait, the next card in
> deck is drawn and that ship/player has an opprotunity to fire.

great!	i have heard of this idea before, but forgot about it.	thanks
for posting it.  

how about this idea for adding admiral's priviledge
to your multiple-card idea above: when a card is drawn, the any fleet 
admiral may invoke a "Priority Order".	that admiral may choose any one
ship or fighter flight to activate instead of the ship drawn.  any 
subsequent card(s) drawn for the activated ship are ignored.  if 
multiple admirals invoke a Priority Order simultaneously, the activated
ships fire (and are damaged) simultaneously.  alternate rule: instead
of simultaneous fire, the admirals issuing a Priority Order roll d6 
for fire order of selected ships, modified by admiral quality.

   Admiral Quality
   Superior = +1
   Average  = 0
   Poor     = -1

the higher roll wins the fire initiative.

coolness!  thanks for helping me past my mental block!


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