Re: [ft] simple campaign system
From: "Chris!!!" <cmccurr@t...>
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 22:45:23 -0600
Subject: Re: [ft] simple campaign system
I like it!!! simple but effective.
great job!
----- Original Message -----
From: Robertson, Brendan <>
To: 'GZG-L' <gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
Sent: Monday, December 13, 1999 10:36 PM
Subject: [ft] simple campaign system
> The Top Men have supplied....
> This should cater to your requirements, Roger.
> *****
> This is a simple conquest ruleset for those who want to play a "pickup
> campaign". It can be used for structured campaigns as well. Each
> a time is required) is about 1 month.
> *****
> Each player starts with 16 worlds which produce 20,000 MCr total
> budget as below:
> World Type MCr/turn FT points
> Homeworld (1): 5000 500
> Core world (3): 2000 200
> Colony (6): 1000 100
> Outpost (6): 500 50
> Total Production: 20,000 MCr (2000 ft points)
> The worlds must be allocated within a 4*6 hex grid as shown below.
> ******* [use fixedsys font]
> o o o o
> o o o o o
> o o o o o o
> o o o H o o o
> o o o o o o
> o o o o o
> o o o o
> *******
> When setting up, 2 player games simply butt their territory randow
> against random edge & commence the game. For 3+ players, an
> territory is required, either blank or with multiple neutral worlds to
> conquer. The players have their territories randomly placed around
> neutral territory & then commence play.
> Neutral worlds are claimed by the first fleet to land marines (any
> Each player has a starting fleet of 5000 points with which to defend
> territory.
> Out of these points, they need to purchase the following:
> Construction facilities: Cost is equal to the mass of construction
> (ie: 50pt = 50 mass/turn construction). These have hits equal to it's
> with no defences at all.
> Starbases: Cost is as per shipbuilding, with 5% mass for basic base
> WarShips: Costs as per FTFB shipbuilding. Only FTFB ships can be
> initially.
> Freighters: Costs as per FTFB.
> *****
> Turn sequence:
> 1. Pay upkeep/scrap on ships/bases/construction facilities.
> Each ship/base has a maintainance cost of 10% which must be paid. If
> not paid, then the ship is scrapped to give 25% of it's new cost if in
> friendly system.
> Construction bases require upkeep equal to it's mass.
> 2. Move ships
> Ships move up to 2 hexes. Fleets are visible up to 2 hexes away
> move range). This takes into account scout ships/drones etc keeping
> around.
> 3. Scanning & Resolve combat
> Ships in the same hex are told what contacts are in scan range in
> cruisers, capitals. The fleet is then given 1 of 3 orders: attack,
> or lurk.
> If both fleets have retreat or lurk orders, then no combat takes
> Attack vs Lurk is a standard space battle.
> Attack vs retreat gives the attacker a 5+ chance of engaging the enemy
> before they escape. This battle is resolved using FTL combat rules.
> If the system's owner doesn't have attack orders, then combat takes
> around the planet, with fixed defences & the Construction base in
> 4. Conquer territory
> If the system has functional fixed defences, then a second battle
needs to
> be resolved (if needed).
> Marines are then landed on the planet. Compare the total mass of
> the planets production, this is the odds of conquering the planet.
> Attacker/Defender
> 1:3 1:2 1:1 2:1 3:1
> 6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+
> If the attacker fails, then all the marines are lost. Marines cost 5
> pts/mass with no maintainance.
> If the attack succeeds, then the planet is conquered. No funds are
> generated next turn, but it produces it's full amount after that. If
> shipyards have been destroyed, then they cannot be rebuilt at this
> 5. Build new ships (construction/repairs/resupply)
> New ships are built from available funds. Maximum construction in any
> system is equal to that system's budget, less maintainance for the
> construction facilities. This puts a cap on construction, which makes
> spreading the facilities around important.
> Ships can also be repaired at any construction facility. The cost is
> per damage row of the ship's base cost. Destroyed ships cannot be
> (obviously).
> Resupply is purchased at normal cost and transported in freighters to
> required (fleet train) or the warships stop at the system to resupply.
> done properly, you need to keep track of specific supplies (ie: the
> might have 23 std fighters, 8 heavy fighters & 3 SML(std) salvoes in
> 6. End phase
> If a single player controls 75% of the territory (12 planets),
> Homeworld, then that territory is conquered and the rest of the worlds
> become neutral if not held by another player.
> Neath Southern Skies -
> [mkw] Admiral Peter Rollins; Task Force Zulu