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RE: SG2: Snipers

From: "Glover, Owen" <oglover@m...>
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999 09:32:43 +1000
Subject: RE: SG2: Snipers

This is fairly easy to work out really.

The suppression occurs when a sniper fires. Since in the case where
there is
no valid target eg longer than 5 range bands, the Sniper isn't going to
"take the shot" so it isn't an issue.

If you want to rationalise it further. A Sniper will normally only fire
he is reasonably sure of a hit (any sniper worth his salt will go for
not wounds anyway). 

If a player is going for teh value of teh automatic suppression then I
suggest that he is playing the rules and not in the spirit of the game
so he
can do what he likes anyway. In this case he might rationalise that the
sniper is putting a round over the targets head just for the


Owen G

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cleats Balentine []
> Sent: Saturday, 11 December 1999 5:51 AM
> To: GZG Forum
> Subject: SG2: Snipers
> If this has already been covered at some point in the
> past, I apologize in advance.
> My question involves snipers firing at targets that
> end up being more than the fifth range band out, or
> closer than the fifth range band but with enough cover
> to make effective fire impossible.
> Since snipers don't have to roll effective fire to
> give the target a suppression counter, would targets
> beyond effective range or in heavy cover get a
> suppression?
> Thanks for your help.
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