Re: Stealth and Countermeasures...
From: "I completely agree with you. If the plan fails, we punch faces." <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 12:09:50 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Stealth and Countermeasures...
>> Battleships don't have much to fear from ASM's. They were design to
>> survive and still be operational after direct hits from heavy and
>> heavy guns. The destructive forces of these guns is far more then
>> modern crusise missiles. A modern battleship would shrug off
>> Unless your using ballistic missiles or nukes, there not much you can
>> from the shore to a battleship...
>What if the ASM is a SunBurn ?
>A full debate with advocates of both sides in the BB argument has been
>on s.m.n . IMHO the BB came out badly. See it on Dejanews.
Sunburns....coool missiles. :)
An off-topic game, I played in a PBeM Harpoon game years ago. I was one
of the Soviet commanders, and was assigned to a Sovremmenny. It as a
convoy raid against an American supply train going to relieve the siege
placed on Europe by the Soviets, et al, during WWIII. Our job was to
intercept them. We were given some nice assets: a Kirov, Slava, Udaloys,
Sovs, along with a bunch of older ships (Kara, Kresta, Krivaks, etc). We
opted to split into two groups: a decoy group (led by the Sovs, and
comprised of the older ships) and the main attack group (led by the
took everything else. As we detected the American convoy, the decoy
(led by yours truly :) went west to come in from the north; the attack
group headed south to allow the convoy to run into them the hard way
(most of the players really didn't know all the capabilities of their
ships, nor those of their opponents; this was a great 'learning
Anyway, the decoy group's Sov's kept a radar on to keep tabs on the FO
helos and any inbounds. The Kirov group kept silent . That is, until
picked up some V-high altitude v-small inbounds - a swarm of VW-sized
laser-guided projectiles launched from an American battleship to their
southeast!. The Kirov group flushed their missiles, but were decimated
by the repeated pounding from the battleship (only a Krivak I escaped).
The American battleship group, protected by a poorly-commanded Tico,
(one Spruance DD escaped).
Needless to say, we didn't have the firepower to take on the convoy -
we only learned that when the battleship IN THE CONVOY lit up it's
In addition to that they had another Tico and an Arleigh Burke as
I realized we weren't going to be able to do anything to them (3 Sovs
some buckets?), but I did notice the Tico had split from the convoy in
to pick up one of the southeast battlegroup helos which was running low
fuel, and wouldn't make it back to the convoy. Me, in my infinite wisdom
(okay, I just wanted to do battle with something :) split my Sov from
decoy group and moved to intercept the Tico. We were well outside the
of the battleship shells, and as well as the Arleigh Burke umbrella of
protection. The Tico was alone, as was I (the rest of the decoy fleet
turned for home). The Tico tried to take me out as I closed with its
of missiles, but I easily batted them from the sky. Then just before the
helo was going to land, I launched all my Sunburns at the Tico. We were
exceedingly close range (the Tico commander had enough time to see the
'burns coming, then they hit!). The first part of the salvo was knocked
but I rolled him back quickly and...well, scratch one Tico. :)
I love Sunburns. :)
(sorry for the reminesce)
Dr T: "I'm speechless"
Indy: "No you're not; you're still talking"