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Re: SG2/DS2 artillery

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 18:50:39 +0100
Subject: Re: SG2/DS2 artillery

Glover, Owen wrote in a strongly formatted (and therefore unnecessarily
big, and hard-to-reply-to) post:

> Ah, but CBR is near-worthless even today if you do not have artillery

> assets tasked with CB as a priority role. Guns rarely ever sit
waiting for 
> just any old target. 
> So given our wonderous future; before the first enemy rounds hit the 
> ground the CBR has vectored your CB guns and their first rounds are
in > the air too! So what if the enemy fires 1 salvo and scoots? 6 guns
firing 1 > round each is NOT a good arty support fire. So by making him
scoot with > such little fire is actually doing the CB job;
neutralising the enemy artillery > fire. 

6 guns firing 1 round each before they scoot is not a good arty support
fire with *today's* ammunition, no. 6 guns firing 3 rounds each (ie, a
10-15 second burst) is currently becoming UK Army doctrine - after the
third shell lands, the target is considered likely to have taken cover
anyway :-/

In addition, the smart rounds available today (and even more so the
ones under development today) make first-round kills fairly likely -
ie, with smart rounds, 6 guns firing 1 round each every ten-fifteen
minutes or so is a very effective way of using those guns... as well as
being the safest possible option.

> And don't forget the employment of your Main Battle Tanks in an
Indirect > Role too. 

Provided, of course, that your MBTs *can* be used for indirect fire.
Yes, I'm aware that the US army used M48A3's for indirect fire support
on at least one occasion in Vietnam, but it isn't trivial to build a
tank in such a way that it is able to raise its gun to high elevations.
Not without making the tank rather high (and therefore easily-spotted),
at least.

Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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