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Re: FB Ship Construction

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 08:19:21 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: FB Ship Construction

On 22-Nov-99 at 21:46, ( wrote:
> It depends upon your tactics--if you use your DD's to snipe with (at
> range) you don't actually need to mount them with the same arcs as you
> would  with beam-2's.  It's still not that great a trade, as you get
> beam-2's in  the same space as a 1-arc beam-3--but the plinking
destroyer is
> a bit more  survivable than a close-in fighter.  Of course, the 3-arc
> is a lot  more forgiving (assuming you don't guess the enemy's course
> well).  It  all just depends upon your style of play (and that of your
> opponents). 

I think it depends more on your assigned role for your DD's.  If you
want a DD playing around in your battle line give them threes.	If your
DD's purpose in life is to defend shipping and convoy raiding then
drop the 3's.

On that note, I think all these house rules about "must have X DD's
for every ship of type X" are bogus.  I really can't see any reason
to send those small ships into a major engagement so they can blow
up.  A house rule saying no more then 1/3 (or 1/X) of your points
may be in one ship would be fine.


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