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Re: Beth's Emines & HBWs

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 18:10:08 +0100
Subject: Re: Beth's Emines & HBWs

A late reply; I haven't had time to look properly at them 'til now.

> " Emines:
> Our emines fairly similar to what Bill had, but just to rehash...
> An energy mine launcher has 3 mass (1-arc) + 1 for each additional
arc > (up to a maximum of 3 arcs), cost is 3xmass. Each mine purchased
for > use with the launcher has 2 mass and costs 3xmass. Energy mines
are > launched in the Salvo Mine launch phase. At this time an energy
> may be placed at any point up to 24 inches from the launching vessel 
> and within the launcher's firing arc. At the end of ship movement and
> before fighter's secondary movement the mine detonates, any ships
with > their centrepoint within 1 inch of the mine take 6D6 damage,
> further away take less (-1D6 for each inch they're further away so
5D6 at > 2", 4D6 at 3" etc). The total number rolled is the damage
inflicted (no 
> rerolls) with half (rounding up) taken on ARMOUR (if any) and the 
> remainder on the HULL. There must be an operational Fire-control on
the > ship when the energy mines are launched. 
> We are thinking of doubling the cost of the mines themselves though, 
> needs a bit more hammering out/playtesting I think."

I'm not surprised you find it a bit underpriced :-/

Comparison to SMLs:
* May be easier to hit with in Vector (depends on the SML template
* Able to hit fighters (and SMs), allowing no dodges
* Hits multiple ships (particularly if they huddle together to benefit
* PDS can't stop it, so the average damage on *each ship* hit is higher

  than 1 SM vs 2 PDS (damage averaged over the entire template taking 
  the differing sizes of the damage zones into account).
* The launcher is somewhat bigger if you want the same arcs as the SML.

Its only drawback compared to the SML is the higher launcher Mass, but
if you play Vector wide fire arcs aren't as vitally important as they
are in Cinematic.

> "Heavy Beams
> The projectors are 2 mass and the capacitors mass = 3xcapacitor
rating > (so if you want it to be able to store 3 energy points its
going to be 9 
> mass). Each component costs 3xmass.
> In a given turn a beam battery may discharge as many Energy Points 
> (1D6 per Energy Point) as it has stored at that moment through as
many > different projectors as the player wishes (if a single capacitor
feeds more > than 2 projectors no more than 6 Energy Points may be
> through any one projector), subject to the usual targeting
limitations and > available Fire Control systems."

Is it possible to feed a single projector from more than one capacitor?
devoutly hope not, but the rule doesn't say)

> " It does not have to use all its stored energy at one time, though
it may
> if desired. For every full 6" between firer and target there is a -1
on the
> roll for each die. Level 1 screens also drop the damage done by -1
> die and level 2 screens drop it by 2 per die. After all the range and
> modifiers have been taken into account the total remianing is the 
> damage inflicted. Any 6 rolled before modifiers due to range allows a

> reroll which is counted at full value with no range or screen

Is the re-roll die also re-rolled on a 6, like normal beam dice?
Did you resolve if re-rolls were allowed if the die roll modifier was
-6 or larger (the EFSB errata says no)? I missed that reply :-(

> "To recharge the capacitor, at the start of each turn, during the
> phase, roll 1 die for each capacitor on each ship equipped with beam
> batteries. On a 1 or 2, 2 Energy Points are stored, on a 3 or 4, its
> Energy Points and on a 5 or 6, 4 Energy Points are stored. These new 
> Energy Points are added to any existing stored Points. The amount 
> stored can never exceed the capacitor's rating, excess Energy Points
> rolled are wasted.
> During threshold checks roll separately for each projector and 
> capacitor.If a capacitor is knocked out (damaged) immediately roll
again. > On a 1 or 2 the system simply loses any stored Energy Points
and may > begin to recharge next turn as norm (i.e. otherwise
undamaged). On a 3, > 4 or 5 it loses all stored power and its rating
is halved (i.e. can not store > more than half, rounded up, of its
original rating) for the rest of the > game."

What happens if it is damaged a second time? Nothing, destroyed,
reduced to 1/4 of the original capacity?
Can the halved capacity be restored by DCPs?
> "On a 6 the capacitor is knocked out completely and any associated
> projectors may not fire for the rest of the game, the vessel also
> additional damage equal to the number of stored Energy Points
currently > in the capacitor."

Are damage control parties able to repair this damage?
What happens if the capacitor is hit by a needle beam?
Is the damage from the capacitors scored against hull or armour? (I
assume hull, but it needs specifying)


Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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