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Re: DS - BUGS!!!

From: "Imre A. Szabo" <ias@s...>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 22:54:12 -0500
Subject: Re: DS - BUGS!!!

Beth Fulton wrote:

> G'day,
> Sorry about taking so long to respond to this, but anyways...
> >I've got a small wave of bugs on order from GZG
> > (11 packs coming plus the 1 I already have...)
> >and need to develop stats for them in DS.
> Thank you you've just saved Derek a lot of trouble ;)
> >My current idea is that they move like powered
> >armor (6" with the same restrictions), take 5 valid
> >damage points to destroy from the front (the heavy
> >frontal carapace), 4 valid damage points on the sides
> >and rear, draw 4 chits in close assaults, have no
> > range fire capability, and are always veteren units.
> Sounds great so far. One thing though, did you think about the odd
> fire abilities, before discounting them? Its just that Derek has a
25mm bug
> that has 'bioweapon guns' (for want of a better word	much like the
> Blister? Los mentioned appears in the SST show) on one set of its
> legs (one of the varuants he picked up from Nic, I guess Jon has them
> and as he wants his DS and SG forces to match he would like to seem
> ranged fire possible. Maybe a swarm of these would have the same fire
> ability as standard infantry, but such swarms would be rare, what do
> think?

I might try giving one swarm RFAC-1's or DFG-1's...  One or two per bug,
60 degree arc.	I guess a slasher bug would draw five chits in close
against infantry, but only two against armored vehicles.

> > Bugs can attack vehicles in close assaults.
> >They draw 4 chits per bug and only yellow
> >chits count.  Bugs are organized in to "swarms"
> >of about 12 bugs each.
> If it were me I'd probably knock that down to 6, they are pretty big
> compared with a human <and I'm gonna be broke otherwise ;)>. Maybe to
> the flavour of your larger swarms there should be a restriction on how
> apart swarms can be (then again may be that's too restrictive)

I don't have a problem with smaller size swarms or even different number
of bugs
per swarm.  May be a 2d6 +4 bugs per swarm.  I like the idea of a fixed
because I'm cleaning my swarms of bugs up and planning on painting each
of the
swarms differently.

> >If a swarm ever get a rout result, they immediately
> >go beserk and automatically pass all confidence
> >checks for the rest of the game.
> Ouch! Good idea, but ouch ;)
> >Each bug in a swarm is an individual target.
> >Bugs can be shot at by vehicle weapons as
> >either infantry, or as size class 1 targets.
> >Any valid damage points will kill one bug,
> >if the bug was engaged as a size class 1 target.
> Sounds good too.
> Just some background fluff we were mulling over (if your interested),
> were thinking of allowing the bugs to communicate via radio by an
> organ able to generate VHF/UHF (some form of radio) waves. We hadn't
> down to whether or not it could be 'stumbled upon' or jammed, but I'd
> that'd be possible, giving you another way of breaking down their
> - with the very real risk you may send them frenzied by the look of it

Sounds interesting for long range communications.  Short range would
probably be
phermones and chemicals...  They are bugs after all...

I'm working on rules for bio-vtol bugs.  I'll post them when I get them


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