Re: LRDFC and PDS modes (was: Re: anti fighter missiles)
From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 22:08:35 -0500
Subject: Re: LRDFC and PDS modes (was: Re: anti fighter missiles)
>Long Range Defense FireCon (LRDFC) - Cost/Mass as ADFC. Allows
higher level
>batteries to be used in anti-missile/anti-fighter roles the same way
>Class 1 batts can. Each size battery larger than class 1 requires a
>firecon in addition to the LRDFC to be used in this mode (class 2
>require LRDFC + 1 firecon, class 3 require LRDFC + 2 firecons.
How about "each individual weapon requires 1 firecon"? I can't see
why a Beam3 would require 2 FC.
>Other weapon types
ie PTorps? Needles? I can see needles, but not torps.
>can be used in anti-fighter/missile mode if an extra
>firecon is dedicated to them. Range bands are halved and damage dice
are the
>same as above.
>Other anti-fighter adaptations:
>Scenario specific PDS reprogramming. Assume PDS can be set 3
different ways
>between scenarios.
A good idea but a) wouldn't you usually know what types of threat
you'll usually face? b) wouldn't the PDS programming automatically
take threat type into account? Remember, this is a couple hundred
years in the future, even if we're mapping it from a WW2 paradigm.