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Parity for fighters (was: Re: anti fighter missiles)

From: "Izenberg, Noam" <Noam.Izenberg@j...>
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 15:27:25 -0500
Subject: Parity for fighters (was: Re: anti fighter missiles)

On the flipside, while we're busy stacking the deck against fighters, we
should also revisit ways to promote their survival:

Breakoff/Feint - Fighters attacking ships or dogfighting may breakoff
attack. This occurs after PDS and other anti-fighter weaponry is
but before they are fired. Fighters breaking off burn endurance as if
had made their attack, but do not get to fire their weapons. PDS, Class
1-as-PDS, and dogfighting fighters vs. Feinting fighters get -1 to their
roll (and no reroll on natural 6). Interceptors vs. Feinting fighters
dogfight as normal fighters (but no rerolls). Anti-fighter "overkill"
PDS that scores over 6 pts of damage) cannot be applied to Feinting

Starburst Attack - (Ob. The Last Starfighter) Fighter group burns 3
endurance (instead of 1) on attack to double its firepower (i.e. roll
as many attack dice) this turn. Roll an extra PDS die after the attack
see how many fighters are "burned out" by the attack. Starburst Attack
be declared before PDS is allocated.


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