RE: Subwar 2050 [ot]
From: "Steve Gill" <Steve@c...>
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 17:12:09 -0000
Subject: RE: Subwar 2050 [ot] wrote
> The successor in this type of game was called "Archimedean Dynasty"
> by Blue Byte. It also got pretty good reviews and has a much
> deeper story line as I recal. You can find a reveiw of it at
> "" They used to have a reveiw of Subwar also but I
> think it 'dropped off' because it was so old.
Archimedean Dynasty was great fun, not least the joy of trying to pilot
a sub
capable of 20 knots into a 30 knot current. I have distinct memories of
sneaking up on my target area, priming the weapons, hitting full power,
leaping towards them and then gradually drifting away backwards in the
Nice load of background info that came with it too. I used it as an RPG
setting for a while, sort of underwater cyberpunk.
Steve Gill