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Re: Deckplan page

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 14:39:21 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Deckplan page

On 28-Oct-99 at 14:36, The ledge is a favorite hangout for pigeons. The
stuff is not chalk. ( wrote: > 
> >> Strange design on toliet placement though, if I need a wee in
> >> class 3 battery I have to go up the zero g left to the toilet block
> >> and back - more logical to have them several per deck.
> >
> >I'm confused now, it looks to me like if you have to go when you are
> >in the class 3 you go to the head in the berthing next door.
> Ummmm...maybe the on-duty personnel are expected to 'hold it' while
> they are...on duty.
> The personnel stationed at the 360 Class-2 have a bit more of a
> problem, having to pass through at least 1 blast door to get to
> a head. The Class-3 crew don't.

C'est la vie (sp?).  It is not uncommon to need to pass through 
watertight doors to get to a head.  If it was an emergency you
held it or used an alternative method (bet you were glad you stowed
that coke bottle.)


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