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Re: [SGII] scenario QA

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 09:49:03 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [SGII] scenario QA

On 14-Oct-99 at 09:29, Glover, Owen ( wrote:
> Hmm, seems no-one else has replied yet....
> may I suggest that:
> 1.	 Recon in force - give the Recon force some form of surveillance
> detection equipment; or else say that the Stormtrooper armour has
> or Superior sensors capabilities.

Missed that.  I'll have to give some of the troops enhanced sensors.
Actually, since the Walker is supposed to be a Scout walker I could
give that superior.

> 2.	 Does the Rebel blasters actually have any capability of
> the Walker?

Not from the armor 2 front, but from the sides or back it is armor 1 as
per the rules.	The sad thing is I wouldn't be surprised if the person
who will be playing the Imperial forces doesn't try to run his walker
right into the middle of the rebels.  When he whines about it being
destroyed I'll have to point Endor out to him. :)  4 separate squads
firing a d10 strength weapon should be able to toast level 1 armor.

> 3.	 In a Delay Mission profile you should detail a period for the
> to impose delay; eg point out one two or three 'lines' on the table.
> must delay the enemy from crossing Line Aplha until end of turn three,
> delay enemy from crossing line Bravo until end of turn 6 and final
line of
> delay is line Charlie until end of Turn 11. You may not withdraw
troops from
>  the table until the start of turn 11.

I was going to go for delay them until explosion confirmation at main
base which would be diced for, I like adding a little uncertainty.

> That's enough for a start?

Outstanding, thanks.  I'm a little concerned I am making the Rebels
too strong, I'll have to post an AAR when it all occurs.


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