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Re: John's Bogies. . .

From: Voivode Shrike <voivode@v...>
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 11:47:10 +0000
Subject: Re: John's Bogies. . .

At 01:26 AM 10/6/99 -0400, you wrote:
>I painted an entire army of these guys -- 50
>troopers, 5 Officers, 5 vehicles, 2 Smartbombs, 5 PA Troopers, and some
>miscellaneous guys -- in about 2 weeks.  It was a good feeling, and
>probably never be able to do anything like it again.

	What, you mean your supposed to PAINT them!  (looking at the
HUNDREDS of unpainted mini's in my closet)

	Great job, so when are their stats for Stargruntgonna show up on
the page. :)

	I saw those figures once and didn't like the look, but after
seeing them
painted, I figure I need to get some!


Voivode Shrike (Ryan Fisk)

"It's not denial.  I'm just very
 selective about the reality I accept."
(Calvin and Hobbes, by Bill Watterson)

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