Some in progress works [SG2 stuff]
From: "With my last breath, I spit at thee. From the depths of Hell, I stab at thee." <kaladorn@h...>
Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 23:20:48 -0400
Subject: Some in progress works [SG2 stuff]
Some SG2 to Traveller conversions (a long way from done yet, I have
more to add over the coming few days)
(Note: unlike Mr. Goodall's work on similar conversions, I did not
convert by saying "a PGMP becomes an SG2 plasma gun". I wanted to retain
the relative balance of weapons and armours as in the original game.)
The return of Non-Lethal Weapons (note, they are not Non-Violent
anymore... now they're just Non-Lethal)
A minorly revised version of sniper spotters.
And lastly (till tomorrow anyway), Stealthy Movement
Shortly I will be posting the lead-in (a bit of fiction) (aka fluff) to
the mission myself and Los will be co-GMing at Lancaster.