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Re: Carl G's

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1999 21:41:30 +0100
Subject: Re: Carl G's

Andrew Martin asked:

> Oerjan Ohlson wrote (about Carl Gustavs):
> > Using IAVR stats for the current CG AT rounds in DSII should be OK.
> > The warhead is more powerful than 2 chits, but OTOH IAVRs don't
roll > > to hit so you get about the right Pkill.
> > However, if you bring the right ammo the CG can *also* be used as a
> > SAW (firing frag or flechette rounds), to lay smoke or to fire
> > illumination rounds. In DSII terms, a CG element is probably best
> > represented by an SAW element (with the normal integral IAVR) able
> > fire smoke rounds up to some 16-20". Smoke rounds should be bought
> > separately at a cost of ~5 per round (due to the short range) per
> > element.
> Oerjan, would you also give the same range, about 16"-20", for the CG
> antitank round? 

No. The 16-20" range is indirect fire; the CG AT rounds are supposed to
be used in direct-fire mode. IIRC the maximum direct-fire range for the
551 round is about 500 meters, but the hit probability is poor beyond
300 meters. With *in*direct fire against AFVs, it would be completely
non-existant :-/

It may be possible to fire the current frag round at long ranges.
They're time-fused, but I don't remember the maximum time between
launch and detonation off-hand. If it isn't already possible, it
shouldn't be very difficult to modify them to allow long enough delays
for long-range indirect fire. You'd get fairly bad deviations, though.

> For DSII, the standard IAVR can only be fired in close
> assault, as it has a range of only about 2" or 200 meters, IIRC.

The standard DSII IAVR has a range of 4" or 400 meters, ie a bit better
than the AT4 manage today, and a bit better than the effective range of
the current CG AT rounds.

Best wishes,

Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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