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Proper prefix codes for NSL and FSE ships - help...

From: "With my last breath, I spit at thee. From the depths of Hell, I stab at thee." <kaladorn@h...>
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 23:37:22 -0400
Subject: Proper prefix codes for NSL and FSE ships - help...


Canadians use HMCS
Brits use HMS
Yanks use USS or USN
Aussies use HMAS

What would the NSL and FSE use as prefixes and what would they be (in
german or french and in translation)?

There must be an FSE or NSL guru out there....

I just discovered I need this tidbit to fill out my lead-in to the event
I'm working on for Lancaster.

thanks for the info.

Tom B.

(Replying offlist is sufficient if you have the answers I seek)

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