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Re: Resin vehicles - customizing

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 13:56:22 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Resin vehicles - customizing

On 23-Sep-99 at 13:51, Thomas Pope ( wrote:
> Roger Books wrote:
> > 
> > ...
> > Roger (trying to resin cast HH ships, not satisfied with the results
> >	   yet)
> HH as in Honor Harrington?  
> I'm planning on starting to try and make some myself, now that there
> exists at least one official design. (more with the new book in March
> hear)  I'd love to compare notes...

My biggest problem so far has been the mental block dealing with the
size of these things.  Obviously you can't use the same scale that
the standard FT ships are, a 1.2KM ship doesn't really fit, and that
isn't even one of the big ones.

I'm having minor mechanical problems (my resin says "read the box
for the mold you are using for the amount of hardenn\er").  I have
a mold for the end that I like, although it doesn't quite match
the books, the curves are a bit beyond my carving skill, at least
in Fimo.  I just need to make the center section work, cast one,
use the dremel to add detail, and make another mold. :)

What I really need is a better medium than fimo, the stuff is too
elastic even before baking.  Anyone know what a "real" moldmaker

Roger Books

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