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Re: [FT] Jump Limits

From: Channing Faunce <channing@g...>
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 1999 18:56:49 -0400
Subject: Re: [FT] Jump Limits

How about when the gravitation of a body (the Sun for instance) reaches
a minimum. Perhaps .01 G? For those of you a bit more mathamatically
minded (and have the time) how for out would this be from the Sun?

The Earth?


Laserlight wrote:

> Andrew declaimed (speaking of Jump Limits)
> > In my opinion, they should be at the trojan points
> >and those points
> >where space-time is very close to "flat" - gravitation pull
> very close
> >to zero in any direction.
> How close is "very"?	I guess that's what we're asking about
> for the Jump Limit.
>  So, that's a ring around each planet, points
> >if there's a moon, too complex if there's lots or a ring.
> Otherwise, at
> >the Oort or Kuiper belt? Something like 100 AU out?
> I'd think 100 would make for a map rather larger than would
> be convenient?

Channing C. Faunce

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