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RE: Armageddon Outfitter (was: Granaatscherven)

From: Samuel Reynolds <reynol@p...>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 17:53:02 -0600
Subject: RE: Armageddon Outfitter (was: Granaatscherven)

>One suggested addition to Armageddon Outfitter; how about the ability
>enter the number of weapons of a specific type?
>With weapons like beams, you often have large multiples with the same
>arcs, so it would be a lot easier to add just once (and allows for
>tweaking of the stats.)
>Neath Southern Skies
Some systems have that already. I plan to add a Qty. field
to all systems where it makes sense (probably all of them)
when I update it.
Note: I have no idea when I'll get the chance to update
it, though. I'm just gathering ideas, now.
- Sam
Samuel Reynolds
Spinward Stars:
Reynolds Virtual Workshop:

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