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Re: Full Metal AAR and more FMA thoughts

From: Los <los@c...>
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 15:43:19 -0400
Subject: Re: Full Metal AAR and more FMA thoughts wrote:

> In a message dated 8/4/99 11:25:06 AM EST,
> << > Maybe the very term combat move is a misnomer? The reason one
>  > would use a combat move is to hopefully eek out a bit more distance
>  on > a move. >>
> The whole nature of moving in combat is fraught with uncertainty. It
is not
> uncertainty about how far you have to go, it is uncertainty about what
> will turn under your foot, will I put my foot in a hold I am unaware
of, or
> wiill the other guy's machine gunner be traversing across my approach
just as

I think you take my comment out of context. By your definition there is
no need
for a combat move becasue EVERYTHING is a combat move. (true) The RAW
(Rules as
written)  have set inches for movement, not variable. But for instance
in SG
instead of having a set double time move ala 12" instead of the normal
6", there
is a term called "combat move" which is 2d6. Fair enough, it interjects
varaibility. Tom's original statement I was replying to was about
another kind of
move that takes advantage of terrain and goes slower but is safer. A
combat move
in the RAW is about trying to go faster, not trying to be safer. If
htere is more
than one kind of move, (i.e. multiple moves then perhaps they should be
different things). Re: the dice for move, perhaps all moves should have
dicing variability thrown in. However I tell you from decades of
experience (god
that makes me sound like an old fuck!) that if you are going to cross a
under fire, you are going to cross that street or die trying period!
(Slip of no
slip) Assuming it is within you maximum moving distance for the given
time period
you are talking about.

On a totally seperate front, my mind being jogged by this discussion.
What about
masking fire? In FMA, on the individual level, a model should definately
line of fire. I don't remember if think this is adressed in the FMA
rules. (I'm
away from my rules right now so can't cross-reference).

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