FT: fighters; FMA stands for
From: Glen Bailey <Glen.Bailey@s...>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 07:15:32 -0400
Subject: FT: fighters; FMA stands for
Two questions concerning fighters in FT (FB):
Attack fighters: do they get a reroll if the die roll is a 5?
In other words, do you get a reroll on a modified 6 (or better)
or does it require a 6 to be rolled on the die?
We couldn't find the rearming rules for fighters. Do they exist
and if so, where?
"Feel My Anger" ? (as I point my BFG at the enemy)
>>the Anorak has become a traditional symbol of the hobby..
>Along with Beards, Beer Bellies and B.O. :-)
I must not be traditional then. (yea!)