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Re: FMA Skirmish test results [CLEAN STAMP]

From: "Jerry" <jerrym@c...>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 10:28:15 -0400
Subject: Re: FMA Skirmish test results [CLEAN STAMP]

>On 7/19/99 7:26 AM, Ground Zero Games wrote:
>> ... A combat move action should be movement die (normally a D6 or D8
>> most troops) roll x 2.
>I ran a few test games of the FMA skirmish rules this weekend, and I
>the players use this system for combat moves (I lifted it from
>but none of them really wanted to -- the general consensus was that it
>seemed a little silly to randomize the movement distance for your
>and that the "combat move" must be, "... one of those British wargame
>that doesn't always make sense, like WRG rules." In short, it felt more
>"game-y" than realistic, and the players ignored it.

I agree, this doesn't make sense in a skimish game.  In SGII, it makes
perfect sense.	The orders you are giving are for a whole sqaud not just
single guy.  It's very easy for the squad to misunderstand the order or
location to move to, and they can very easily get bogged down or stopped
long before the objective the "squad leader" had in mind...

Sgt: "Let's make a run for that tree over there...."
(squad starts to run...and half of them start moving in another
(they come to a halt)
Pvt: "Which tree Sarge?"

In a skimish game, I don't think a single model will mistake the
position of
"where" it wants to move.....

Therefore, for simplicity sake, I think models that "combat move" should
just make a movement up to 2 times their base move.

This is used to enter close combat, I assume, and would use two actions
it would allow a model to sprint across the table.

Should there be some sort of firepower modification if a model uses it's
first action to "sprint/combat move"?

Jerry the Slightly Mad...


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