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Resin Tanks

From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 00:08:02 -0400
Subject: Resin Tanks

Stan Johansen's site ( now has
28mm resin vehicles on it, and they're...odd.  The designer of these
appears to have created a modernized form of the GW Rhino.  I know, I
know...modernized is a weird word to use for SF tanks, but still!  The
basic shape is the same, but the armor is more steeply sloped, and the
profile appears to have been reduced a bit.  Remove the side sponsons,
the turreted version might make a decent MICV.	Someone take a look,
the paint jobs, and tell me if I'm insane, okay?  If nothing else, I'll
probably end up picking up a few of this guy's turrets (there's always
for turrets).

And then there's the Mammoth tank....  Well, you can't win 'em all.
John X Crimmins
  " one of the secret masters of the world: a librarian.
They control information.  Don't ever piss one off."
  --Spider Robinson, The Callahan Touch.

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