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Re: Out of Ammo in FMA

From: "Jerry" <jerrym@c...>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 12:15:46 -0400
Subject: Re: Out of Ammo in FMA

>Working along the "elimination of record keeping and keeping it simple"
>lines, how about saying we use a Necromunda style roll (you roll snake
>eyes, you're out of ammo), but Veteran and Elite troops are immune to
>because they are experienced enough to know better.
>That keeps it recordless, chitless, and so on, while eliminating the
>situation of a spec ops trooper accidentally running out of ammo.

No, no....  Because of the very die types they roll, Veteran and Elite
troops will have a much smaller chance to have this happen, but should
be immune to it.    I like the double one's "out of ammo" roll, but
make anyone exclusive of it.

Jerry the Slightly Mad...

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