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[OFFICIAL] FMA playtest version question...

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 11:45:11 +0100
Subject: [OFFICIAL] FMA playtest version question...

Hi all,

With the recent discussions regarding the playtest draft of the FMA
skirmish system, I want to check the list's reaction to a suggestion:

IF I manage to get a rough but useable draft knocked together over the
day or two (and all the FT players needn't worry, despite the jokes to
contrary this WON'T impede or delay the FB2 - in fact it may help, as
clearing my mind of FMA bits by putting it down and throwing it out to
guys (and gals - hi Beth!) may allow me to concentrate more on the FT
stuff....), would there be any objections to it being posted to the list

1) It would be for list members' eyes only at this stage; it must NOT be
put up on anyone's website, and while it may be used for test games with
your own immediate player groups it is NOT for distribution outside this
any manner or form without prior permission; if anyone wants to use it
any kind of public demo or participation game (eg: at shows, stores or
other gatherings) then this should be possible, but I'd appreciate you
checking with me by email first.

2) Any ideas or supplementary material posted to the list as a result of
the discussions may get used in any final printed or published form of
rules (as per the standard terms of the GZG list), and while I'll
be giving credit to the list membership as a whole it will probably be
impossible to individually mention each person contributing ideas... it
will probably just have to be along the lines of a thank-you to the
list, with a "you know who you are" line!

3) Anything I post will still be fairly rough draft material, and should
treated accordingly; the present version has seen a bit of in-house
(very successfully to date), but has not yet been tested in the heat of
battle in the hands of the List Grunts... <grin>
Don't be surprised to find contradictions and missing bits - we'd like
know about these when you do find them.  Regarding feedback to the list
direct to us, PLEASE use a bit of discretion and common sense to avoid
swamping the list and upsetting the non-interested members - if it is a
minor error or inconsistancy that can simply be fixed, then it will be
to email this direct to us - only use the list itself for points that
genuinely need major discussion.

4) The posted material would be a plain text email, which while not huge
will of course be quite a long message compared to most list traffic;
obviously, anyone who is not interested can just delete it, but I wanted
check opinions first - if there are more than just one or two dissenting
voices, then we won't do it.

Right - over to you (God, I knew this was going to be a bad idea....)
I'll wait a little while for the first responses before doing any more
on it.

Jon (GZG)

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