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Re: More Fighter questions

From: j a c <journeyman2000@j...>
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1999 10:07:05 -0400
Subject: Re: More Fighter questions

On Wed, 7 Jul 1999 16:17:54 EDT writes:
>In a message dated 7/7/99 3:13:10 PM EST, 
>No doubt, but it might be best to visualize the technology first - and 
>try to describe it in terms of the rules. Does each fighter have it's 
>tube? Do they launch from the outer surface of the ship? Do they 
>require a 
>catapult? Can they launch on their own engine power? How are they 
>Then you can describe rules to facilitate playing within the time 

How bout this?	Fighters are moved to external launch points before a
battle (if there is time) and may all be launched at once.  The bay
is there for repairs, refueling, rearming, general storage, etc.  As
such, when a squadron comes back, they must enter the bays for re-fit. 
So, all squadrons may launch simultaneously, but they must enter bays at
a lower rate, say 1 for 3.  Also, I would assume that fighters are
carried in the bays during normal travel.  So any carrier entering a
battle from jump needs to launch its fighters from the bays, again, say
for 3.	Also, this means that carriers caught by surprise will have
fighters still in bays, while the attacker will be able to have all his
ready on external points.  

So, in a shorter form...........

Fighters ready on external points     all launch simultaneously
Fighters returning for re-fit		       enter bays at a rate of 1
sq for 3 bays per turn
Fighters ready, but still in bays	   launch at a rate of 1 sq for
bays per turn
Fighters not ready, still in bays	   may begin launch at ready
state, after 1 turn delay

The last is obviously a surprise situation.  Tora Tora Tora anybody?? 
maybe Midway is more appropriate.  Has anyone considered what happens
when a fighter bay full of  armed and fueled fighters gets taken out by
threshold roll??     How bout this?

Bay with fighters gets hit  ........................  carrier takes
number of hits equal to 2x number of fighters in bay.  Why 2x?	They are
inside, in an enclosed space, and are going to hurt things.  Badly. 
Obviously this ignores screens and armor.  This could get nasty if more
than one goes, possible chain explosions, a carrier could be crippled or
destroyed by one good attack, ala Midway.  BTW, fighters on external
points when their bay is hit are destroyed, but there is no chance of
additional damage (other than scuffing the armor)  There's another good
reason for having them outside.

Anyway, there's my 0.02 Cr, before taxes

Jim Clem
voted by his high school class Most Likely To Wanna Be A Fighter Jock
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