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Re: Optional Main Drive Construction Rules

From: Fred and Evelyn Wolke <thewolkes@e...>
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 18:19:35 -0400
Subject: Re: Optional Main Drive Construction Rules

At 10:10 AM 7/6/99 -0400, you wrote:
>I've been playing around with this optional rule for a while. I thought
>I saw something similar a week or two ago, but can't find the post. If
>I'm stepping on toes, I apologize.
>I wanted a way to give a little more flexibility to the Main Drive
>construction rules to allow for either high acceleration ships with
>limited maneuverability or low acceleration ships with high
>maneuverability. They were mainly intended for vector movement, since I
>didn't like the FTFB rule on allowing any number of facing change for 1
>Thrust point, but did like the EFSB that required 1 point of
>thrust for each facing change. I see no reason not to apply them to
>Cinematic movement.
>Thrust is bought at a cost of 2 points for 5% of ship Mass. The Thrust
>bought in this manner is direction specific and must be bought for each
>direction that it is to be applied. When buying Port/Starboard Thrust
>is applied as 1 point to Starboard and 1 point to Thrust. You can also
>split the 2 points fore/Art to make odd numbered Thrust.
>Thus for 30% Mass you could have any of the following:
>10 Main Thrust (25%), 1 Thrust Port/Starboard (5%), 0 Retro Thrust - a
>setup for fast couriers or bulk carriers that rely on pivoting fully
>around to decelerate.
>6 Main Thrust (15%), 2 Thrust Port/Starboard (10%), 2 Retro Thrust (5%)
>- Standard configuration for warships
>2 Main Thrust (5%),  4 Thrust Port /Starboard (20%), 2 Retro Thrust
>- High maneuverability ship
>Each direction would have a seperate icon for its Thrust which would
>make Threshold checks as normal. These could be the FT icons, 1 per
>side; or EFSB style with each icon representing 2 Thrust points.

I like this; I like it a lot.

Since I don't use the Fleet Book rules, have you adapted it at all for


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