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Re: Using FTFB interceptors

From: ScottSaylo@a...
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 1999 11:01:12 EDT
Subject: Re: Using FTFB interceptors

In a message dated 7/2/99 9:18:55 AM EST,

 I've been debating this in my head (a fierce battle).	Since a fighter
 can move then dogfight, can it not dogfight and then move?  If it does
 and then move, at least it should not be allowed another attack (no 2
 attacks in one turn).

I would say NO. The reason is that a dogfight shatters the fighter's 
cohesion. When they break off from the engagement the six fighters may
headed at full thorttle in six entirely different directions. They need
form up assess damage, get oriented and move out IN formation towards
objective. They may also have fuel concerns at the end of the fight.
Move to 
dogfight, fine! dogfight then move as a formation, no way!

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